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Not Available?

We can make to order. We’ll make yours for FREE if we’ve not made for that model before ... Please contact us if your make or model is not listed above.

Fitting Tool

Most of the rings we sell do not require any special fitting tools. However, there are some that are very delicate, and while you might get away without using a tool, we strongly recommend you use one to avoid damaging the ring when fitting it.

This tool is used to slide the magnetic rings into place slowly, applying even pressure gradually to the ring throughout application.

When you add a ring to your cart that requires this tool, you will be prompted as to whether you wish to add the tool to your order or not.

Fitting Tool
Fitting Tool

Return the tool for a refund

We do need to charge for these tools, but if you wish to return the tool later, we will give you a refund on the returned item which will reduce the overall cost to you.

Delivery surcharge necessary

Also, as the fiiting tools are quite large and heavy, the prices for delivery are higher when when ordering one of these fitting tools.

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  • quick delivery on Isuzu Rodeo rings

    Rob Pheby
  • Just to let you know the garage have fitted the abs rings. They too were
    impressed with the quality and workmanship.

    Mr Robert Pearce
  • Just to thank you for the most fantastic service. Rings ordered pm, delivered first post the following morning, Brilliant!!!

    Prestyl Evans